Since I barely have enough money to pay for internet, I don’t have cable in my apartment. This is not a huge deal because 90% of the content on TV sucks. But there's still that 10%.
So sometimes when I want to relax or zone out or just have a nice laugh, I watch podcasts that I am subscribed to. And then when I'm feeling adventurous, I subscribe to new podcasts that catch my eye. They are free, and its extremely easy to cancel your subscription. I hate canceling subscriptions for magazines and newspapers.
This new medium for media content, available via the internet and iTunes, is great for parents, people who don't want to waste time, and just about everyone. Parents can more easily filter out bad content by manually blocking a show or only allowing certain "ratings" in the iTunes control panel. However, its possible that the average parent user of iTunes may not know how to use the "preferences" button. I know my mom does't. But then again, she probably wouldn't have cared if I subscribed to Bill Maher's "Explicit" marked podcast. This feature is the same with cable TV, however podcasts must be asked for and then they are transferred to the computer. TV channels are all sent to your house constantly, simultaneously and mostly unfiltered. (How many people actually use their vChip? iTunes preferences may be hard for average users, but the vChip is nuclear science to this same audience)
Podcasts are free. Digital cable and satellite, each of which have the same capabilities on the surface as iTunes, are inferior and cost 40ish dollars a month. When using ITunes (or any equivalent software that comes along in the future. Microsoft. Zune sucks) you can transfer this content to an iPod portable media playing device, or you can wirelessly stream the podcasts to your TV that your already have in your living room via wireless 802.11n technology. (Much faster than the current 802.11g standard) Say goodbye to wireless connections lagging on streaming high quality video.
If you ask me, iTunes will modify podcast play back rights to not be skipped ahead, and will soon replace cable. but who knows. Sucks for the cable guys but kicks ass for the iPod maker.
Right now im listening to Episode 83 of Real Time with Bill Maher. The audio content (that I believe is also available on HBO?) is free on iTunes right now. I also subscribe to the video podcasts of MacBreak, Strong Bad Emails, and the lightning round from Jim Craimer's TV show.
This technology is great for the world because with the stupid amount of commercials that are on TV, the content should be free. Now some of it is. Podcasts worked for me.